Alfa Auto Glass Only Services Southern California

Alfa Auto Glass can replace Bison Trailer Windows if the trailer is located in Southern California. Please call (714) 323-2672 to schedule an appointment.

Bison trailers are primarily designed as horse carriers. They are made in Milford, Indiana USA. And just like automotive windows and RVs, they can break and/or need replacement. They make 7 foot, 8 foot and 8.5 foot wide LQ trailers.

Models We Service


RG7208 RG7411 RG8313B.S
RG7308 RG8209B RG8413B.S
RG7408 RG8309B RG8313G.S
RG7210 RG8409B RG8413G.S
RG7310 RG8311.S RG8316.R
RG7410 RG8411.S RG8316
RG7211 RG8311B RG8416.R
RG7311 RG8411B RG8416



SV8.5317 SV7310 SV8311B
SV8.5317D SV7410 SV8411B
SV8.5417 SV7211.S SV8313B.S
SV8.5417D SV7311.S SV8413B.S
SV8.5T17 SV7411.S SV8313G.S
SV8.5T17D SV8209B SV8413G.S
SV7208 SV8309B SV8316.S.R
SV7308 SV8409B SV8316.S
SV7408 SV8311.S SV8416.S.R
SV7210 SV8411.S SV8416.S


Note: Bison has been making trailers since 1984. If you have a model that is from last century or isn’t on this list, please give us a call and we’ll let you know if we can replace the window on it. Our telephone number is: (714) 323-2672.


We do take insurance as a payment method. When you call in, let us know if you’d like to use your insurance and we’ll collect all necessary information from you over the phone.


  • A common way to break windows in a Bison trailer is by backing into something. If this is your first rodeo in a Bison, consider practicing backing up in an empty lot so you get the hang of it.
  • Always drive 55 mph. Trailers are heavy and it takes a bit longer to slow them down to a complete stop. One way to protect your windows and precious cargo is to NOT get into any accidents.

Additional Resources

Below are links to Bison’s official website as well as their social media profiles. We have also included the phone number to their main office.